Climate change

Report shows cooperative best suited to tackle climate change


Even as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was reflecting with his American counterpart on how to fight climate change, research on the subject shows the effectiveness of the cooperative model in this area.

A new thematic research publication “Cooperation for the transition to a green economy” is published on 23 September. The research provides innovative insight into how cooperatives act to protect the environment, as well as to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation.

With a focus on the implementation of principle seven of concern for the community, the report covers 8 case studies from all regions of the ICA and presents a variety of environmental actions of cooperative enterprises. Examples include accessing and managing natural habitats and resources through cooperative approaches, innovative responses to minimize environmental impacts, and programs and good practices of ICA members. It brings together cooperatives of various sizes and fields of activity, particularly in the energy, forestry, housing, transport and finance sectors.

The report shows that cooperatives contribute to sustainable practices in various ways. For example, by organizing the provision of ecological services such as renewable energy, or through cooperative education and training on the environment. Overall, the cooperative business model can be a viable alternative to the status quo and is emerging as a business model of choice for tackling climate change and environmental degradation.

The publication also focuses on cooperative contributions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 13 on climate action and SDG 7 on clean and renewable energy. It suggests that there is a clear need for meaningful action and clearly emphasizes the need for systemic economic and social change to address the climate challenge. This perspective is amplified in a new context of insecurity and emergency since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, alongside recent assessments by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The report was endorsed by key stakeholders, including high-level representatives of the cooperative movement, civil society and United Nations research organizations. Ilcheong Yi, senior research coordinator of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) said:

“Illustrating how the cooperative movement as a model of ecological balance integrates the values ​​of cooperation, solidarity, self-management and democracy into planet-centered development approaches, this research contributes to policy making and development. holistic institutions to achieve economic, social and environmental goals. . I recommend it as a must read for those looking for a realistic way of sustainable development in 2021 and beyond ”.

-CIA press release
