Climate models

Even 50 years ago, climate models were far more accurate than deniers claim

It’s a common refrain from those who question the findings of climate science: the computer models scientists use to project future global warming are inaccurate and shouldn’t be trusted to help policymakers decide whether to they must take potentially costly measures to limit greenhouse gas emissions. A new study effectively quells this argument by examining […]

Climate models

Climate models have understood global warming well

There’s a favorite argument among those who doubt mainstream climate science: climate models overestimate the rate at which the Earth is warming. This claim resurfaces time and time again and is often based on single instances of uncertainty or hand-picked data. Various studies have looked closely at individual climate models in recent years and have […]

Climate models

Nailed: Early climate models accurately predicted effects of global warming, study finds | The Weather Channel – Articles from The Weather Channel

This color-coded map shows global surface temperature anomalies. Temperatures above normal are shown in red and temperatures below normal are shown in blue. (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) Of the 17 climate change models examined, 14 were accurate enough to predict the effects of global warming. The researchers fed the actual emission levels into the […]

Climate variability

Rtl today – climate variability: twentieth century warming “unmatched” in 2000 years

[ad_1] Global temperatures rose faster at the end of the 20th century than at any time in the past 2,000 years, according to a study released Wednesday that experts say undermines questioning by climate deniers about the role of climate change. humanity in global warming. As Europe suffocated in a second record-breaking heat wave in […]

Climate models

Current Climate Models Can Predict Global Warming Decades Ahead – ScienceDaily

A new reconstruction of global mean surface temperature trends over the past 2,000 years has identified the major causes of decade-scale climate change. The analysis suggests that the Earth’s current rate of warming, caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases, is greater than any previously observed rate of warming. The researchers also found that airborne […]

Climate models

What climate models are wrong about future water availability

Source: Geophysical Research Letters One of the most difficult questions regarding climate change is how the warming of the Earth’s atmosphere will affect water availability around the world. Climate models present a range of possible scenarios, some more extreme than others– which can complicate planning for cities, states and countries. Now, however, in a new […]

Climate models

Guest post: Why results from the next generation of climate models matter

Professor Stephen Belcher is Chief Scientist at UK Met Office; Doctor Olivier Boucher is at the head of Pierre Simon Laplace Institute (IPSL) Climate Modeling Center; and Professor Rowan Sutton is director of climate research at UK National Center for Atmospheric Sciences (NCAS), Reading University. The first results of a new generation of global climate […]

Climate variability

Global warming is accelerating climate variability, study finds •

[ad_1] The Earth has gone through many warming and cooling periods where temperatures were drastically different from what they are today. What makes today’s climate change so noticeable compared to other warm interglacial periods of the past is that rates of warming and carbon build-up in the atmosphere are occurring at unprecedented levels. . But […]

Climate models

Past warming events suggest climate models fail to capture true warming under business-as-usual scenarios

According to an international team of researchers from 17 countries. The results published last week in nature geoscience are based on observational evidence of three warm periods over the past 3.5 million years, when the world was 0.5°C to 2°C warmer than pre-industrial temperatures in the 19th century. The research has also revealed how large […]

Climate variability

Researchers compare global temperature variability during ice ages and interglacials – sciencedaily

[ad_1] Based on a unique global comparison of data from core samples taken from the ocean floor and polar ice caps, AWI researchers have now shown that although climate change has indeed diminished in the world between ice ages and interglacials, the difference is by no means as pronounced as previously assumed. Until now, it […]

Climate variability

Crop frequency and area response to climate variability may exceed yield response

[ad_1] 1 Rosenzweig, C. et al. Assessing agricultural risks of climate change in the 21st century in a global intercomparison of mesh crop models. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. United States 111, 3268-3273 (2014). CASE Item Google Scholar 2 Auffhammer, M. & Schlenker, W. Empirical studies on agricultural impacts and adaptation. Energy saving. 46, 555-561 (2014). […]

Climate variability

New study challenges long-held theories of climate variability in the North Atlantic

[ad_1] This figure shows the characteristic “horseshoe” model of Atlantic climate variability (upper left panel), as well as the temporal history of this model (lower left). Most of the previous studies attribute this to changes in ocean circulation. Our study compares climate models that include ocean circulation (top right) with climate models that do not […]

Climate variability

Decadal modulation of global surface temperature by internal climate variability

[ad_1] 1 Kosaka, Y. & Xie, SP. Recent hiatus in global warming linked to the cooling of the surface of the equatorial Pacific. Nature 501, 403–407 (2013). CASE Item Google Scholar 2 Fyfe, JC, Gillett, NP & Zwiers, FW Overestimation of global warming over the past 20 years. Nature Clim. Switch 3, 767-769 (2013). Item […]

Climate variability

UMD researcher sorts climate variability from climate change – Duluth News Tribune

Research by a UMD professor that separates the Earth’s natural climate variability from external factors indicates that these external factors – in particular greenhouse gas-induced climate change – are the probable cause of global warming of the planet. The study found that natural climate variability has likely helped keep things cooler in recent years than […]